Friday, May 18, 2007

Tällainen mie oon

Arokettu oli omansa tehnyt, ja miekin perässä.. Täältä löydät omasi :) Tämä osuu minuun kyllä ihan täydellisesti. Tuollainen mie olen, niinkuin yleensä aina ravun luonnehoroskooppeja tutkaillessani. Ja hei, tottakai mie oon maailman paras suutelija :D

Your positive traits:

You're intuitive enough to know what's going wrong in a relationship early on
A total sweetheart - you're often the most caring person anyone knows
You are a generous and devoted parter to whoever you fall in love with

Your negative traits:

Insecurity - you tend to need a huge amount of comforting from your partner
You tend to be overly sensitive and easily hurt, which make loving you difficult
It's difficult to predict your moods. One minute you're up - the next you're down.

Your ideal partner:

Someone equally sensitive, who wants to take time to get to know you deeply
Dreams of an everlasting love - complete with marriage and a family
Loves to take care of you. Being a good cook and masseuse doesn't hurt!

Your dating style:

Slow. You enjoy dates that last all day, with plenty of time to talk and get to know one another.

Your seduction style:

Quite tender and loving, once you are comfortable in your relationship.
Coy. You tend to play it cool to drive your lover wild.
Orally talented - you're known as the best kisser in the zodiac.

Tips for the future:

Be a little less sensitive. Not every little mistake should hurt you.
Spend time away from your partner every so often - independence is a good thing.
Find ways to take care of yourself. You'll be happier if you put yourself first.

Best color to attract mate: Aqua

Best day for a date: Wednesday


Annette Sinclair said...

Hahaa, saksiniekka sinäkin! *heiluttelee ravunpyrstöään aivan tohkeissaan* En tiedä, ovatko ravut parhaimpia suutelijoita, mutta ainakin he ovat innokaimpia suutelijoita :) puspus!

Anonymous said...

Hip ja onnea työstä! Todella hienoa :)
Ja muutenkin, ihana lukea että jalat kantaa :)
...ja rapu tämäkin.

Elizabeth Bennet said...

No nysse selvis, miks diggaan sun jutuista niin, rapulainen! ;) mullakin nouseva merkki, joka kuulemma nostaa päätään iän myötä - huomattu on.

T: Miss Moodswing who gives the best smackerals ever ;)

Kody said...

Heii, meitä rapuja onkin useampi :) Pusspuss!

Kiitos tyttöseni :) Jalat kantaa, ja toivottavasti vielä kovin pitkälle. Rapuseni :)

Tsih, se meitä yhdistääkin :) Rapumaisuus - moodswingsit ja pusuttelutaidot :D